Out of Hospital

Leaving hospital? We have a post discharge physiotherapy service for you

Increasingly, people are being discharged from hospital before rehabilitation has been arranged at home. There is often a delay before starting physiotherapy as rehabilitation is limited or in some circumstances no provision made.

To maintain an independent lifestyle it is important to see the right experts to maximise your recovery and to provide guidance for your long-term aims. At Eccleston Physiotherapy Clinic we can assist you by reducing the effects of the injury, operation or disease. The longer this process is delayed, the harder it is to return to normal function.

Our Physiotherapists have years of experience rehabilitating a range of patients with complex health needs. We are committed to quality rehabilitation as we know this gives the patient the best outcome.

We treat people with orthopaedic conditions (e.g. post operation, joint replacement, falls, fractures). We can visit people at home if needed and are more than happy to assess people with their carers or family as we recognise that rehabilitation involves many people.

We know that part of our role is to direct and structure rehabilitation so maximising recovery and target key requirements. We set these targets with the patient and those involved in providing that help.