Massage & Sports Massage

Sports massage is a form of massage that aims to help rehabilitate, maintain, relax and support the development soft tissue. Sports massage tends to be delivered slightly deeper than other types of massage but our physiotherapists will alter the massage depending on the your needs.

Physical Benefits

  • Increased suppleness and flexibility of muscles and joints
  • Improved blood circulation and nutrient delivery to your muscles
  • Speeds up the healing of damaged or stressed muscles, tissues and joints
  • Prevents muscle and tendon injuries
  • Efficient clearing of harmful metabolic byproducts
  • Tension reduction in your fascia
  • Reduction of your scar tissue
  • Improved tissue elasticity and improvements in your tissue’s ability to absorb nutrients

Psychological Benefits

  • A reduction in your approach anxiety, which is the anxiety you feel about an upcoming match or event, a common part of sports participation
  • Enhanced feelings of invigoration and rejuvenation and an increased awareness of your body

Massage is not just for sports performers it suitable for a whole variety of people and is effective in relieving many of the day to day aches and pains that everyone experiences.

Benefits include:

  • Relieved muscle tension
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved sports performance
  • Relieved back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced hand and foot discomfort