
Physical exercise is part of improving fitness, overall health and wellbeing. At Eccleston Physiotherapy Clinic we often incorporate exercise into your treatment programme. The exercises will be individually prescribed following your initial assessment carried out by our Charted Physiotherapist and tailored to your needs. This may be a combination of stretches, mobilising or strengthening exercises. You will be advised how often to carry them out and how to perform them safely.

If you are a sports person, your exercises will be tailored to your sport to enhance your skills and to prevent your symptoms reoccurring.

Health Effects

Exercise is vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Research suggest that people who lead an active lifestyle are less likely to suffer from illness. The benefits of exercise include:

  • Helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Reducing risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Building and maintaining healthy bone density
  • Weight management
  • Promoting physiological well being

The physiotherapist may encourage you to increase your overall level of fitness to improve health and aid your recovery – this will be discussed individually.