
Acupuncture originated in China over two thousand years ago. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) model uses the concept of inserting needles into the skin at specific points to influence the movement and levels of ‘Qi’ (energy) within the body. According to TCM theory, any change in the flow or balance of Qi can lead to pain, disease or disability.

Scientific research has examined the effectiveness of acupuncture in various conditions. The western view is that acupuncture can affect the body’s inbuilt pain-relieving mechanisms to ease pain and help recovery.

Acupuncture treatment we provide

Our physiotherapists are members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) which means they have been trained in the use of evidence based acupuncture, are bound by rules of professional conduct and required to show continued knowledge and skill levels.


Our physiotherapists will carry out a detailed assessment of your problem. If acupuncture is considered to be appropriate the physiotherapist will discuss an individually tailored course of treatment. You will be told the expected effects and any potential risks. You will be provided with written information and if you agree to acupuncture treatment, you will be asked to sign a consent form. You can of course change your mind at any point.

What does acupuncture involve?

The treatment will consist of the insertion of fine needles. These are sterile and disposable (single use), ensuring strict hygiene practice. The needle insertion may feel like a mild pinprick and should only give temporary discomfort if at all. The number of needles used will vary and may be left in place for up to 20 minutes or more. Acupuncture needles are often inserted into trigger points (tight sensitive areas in the muscles) to relieve pain and restore movement.

Frequently asked questions

Will it hurt?

You will usually feel no more than a mild discomfort on insertion of a needle, as they are very thin.

Can I drive home after treatment?

Yes, you may like to sit for 15 minutes before you go. Some people prefer to arrange a lift home after their first treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

This will depend on the specific condition being treated and you respond to the treatments. Our physiotherapists will discuss your individual management plan with you.

I am a blood donor can I have acupuncture?

Yes. All physiotherapists at Eccleston Physiotherapy Clinic are HPC registered and members of the Acupuncture Association of Charted Physiotherapists (AACP). The NHS Blood and Transplant Service(NHSBT) will accept blood from donors who have had acupuncture with us and we can provide you with a certificate.