Occupational Health

We provide an Occupational Physiotherapy service that keeps employees in work or enables them to return to work at the earliest opportunity. After 6 months of being off work because of back pain there is a 50% chance of an employee not returning to work which increases to 75% at one year. To prevent musculoskeletal injuries from causing absenteeism we provide a rapid access physiotherapy service.

Our physiotherapy service aims to:

  • Prevent absence due to Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Manage and resolve absence due to musculoskeletal disorders
  • Provide a cost effective service
  • Provide treatment specifically tailored to the individual’s presentation and is work specific
  • Encourage self-management
  • Implement strategies to enable the individual to return to work
  • Provide immediate information on work capability
  • Reduce the overall cost of claims

How does it work?

  • Staff suffering from musculoskeletal injuries can be referred direct to us without needing to see their GP
  • The employee will be offered an appointment for assessment and treatment within 48 hours of referral
  • Employees will undergo a thorough assessment with one of our highly trained and experienced physiotherapists
  • Within 24 hours a comprehensive report will be sent outlining appropriate prognosis, recommendations, work related restrictions and treatment plans